Children’s Ministries
Check out some pictures from our Everywhere Fun Fair VBS!
Sunday School
First Sunday of the Month, 10:00 am
Calling all kids, parents, guardians, and grandparents of kids ages 3-12, we are going to be resuming our Christ Church One room Sunday School program
beginning one Sunday a month, the first Sunday of each month.  
How to participate?  
Simply come with your kids or grandkids on the first Sunday of each month. 
All kids will be invited to start in the service with us, then after the scripture,
they will go with our Sunday School teachers to rooms 14 and 15 for Sunday School.  
Pick up will be in rooms 14 and 15 after the service.  We are starting with one Sunday
a month to see if there is enough interest to move back to a once-a-week program.  
If you have any questions, please send them to Pastor Beth at
For more information on any of these programs
please call the church office at (520) 327-1116.