Clothing Boutique
The Clothing Boutique is open
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
from 9:30-11:30 am

Free clothing and household goods
for those in need.
Everyone welcome.
Gently used clothing donations accepted
Drop off times and locations:
9:30-11:30 am
Room 12 (enter gate in south alleyway)
SUNDAYS before services
Bin in front of Fellowship Hall
History of the Clothing Boutique
In 2009, the idea for this lay led ministry was presented to Ad Council (now Covenant Council). With no designated space or budget, a task force began collecting gently used clothing – laundering and storing these items at their homes. Our congregation as well as our preschool, Duffy, Sewell, and Howell elementary schools participated in collecting clothing and provided information to their families through their newsletters. In the beginning, Clothing Boutique used Fellowship Hall 2-3 times a year filling it with tables and clothing racks loaded with clothing. 25-30 volunteers worked three days to set it up, and 200 -300 shoppers greatly appreciated shopping. Volunteers also provided and served refreshments.
In 2010, donors rented a small metal storage container for us so we could collect items year round. Also, in November 2010, Clothing Boutique was featured in an article in Arizona Daily Star. Donors purchased a larger metal container in 2012 which we operated out of on a weekly basis. Also in 2012, the Clothing Boutique was recognized as one of 4 lay led ministries at the Southwest Annual Conference. Gretchen Lofgren and Sally West were the presenters. Clothing Boutique was one of the recipients of the Conference Sock Drive in 2014 and received hundreds of pairs of socks for our shoppers. We moved into our present space in October, 2014. We were now blessed with heating, cooling, and lights and could provide a pleasant and comfortable environment for our shoppers. In 2018, we were again blessed to have use of room 12 for sorting and storing items. We’ve enjoyed working with 5 youth interns and are pleased to partner with our neighbor Cerebral Palsy Foundation Workability Youth Internship Program. In March, we will welcome the third group of their students for a 5 week internship.
We continue to recognize and appreciate the congregation’s support of this ministry. With your support, 2,511 shoppers were provided clothing last year. This number only reflects the shoppers who came but many shop for other family members or friends. The number of clothing recipients is probably closer to 7,500 or more. And with your generosity, we are able to share with others. At times, we have shared with Youth on their Own, Howell Elementary School, The Inn Project, Arizona Foster Kids, TMM, and Sisters Jose Women’s Shelter.