Volunteer Interest
Are you interested in serving on one of the leadership or ministry teams of Christ Church? Maybe you want to be an usher, liturgist, or event planner! Maybe you’re passionate about numbers and budgets or maybe you simply want to help grow this community.
If any of this describes you, please contact Pastor Beth at pastor@ccumtucson.org
or call the church office and let us know what you are interested in!
Ministries of Christ Church United Methodist
Food Bank
Open since the 1990’s, our food bank has helped provide hundreds of families with food,diapers, and pet food. Over 4,000 families a year are served.
Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am – 12 pm
Contact: Katherine Gilbert
Clothing Boutique
Free clothing and household goods for those in need, Everyone welcome.
Gently used clothing donations accepted – drop off Sundays before church
or Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 am in Room 12
Open every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 – 11:30 am
Contact: Judy Obert
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry at Christ Church consists of trained Christian care givers who provide one on one (confidential) Christian care for those walking through a crisis. A Stephen Minister is available for prayer after worship every Sunday as well.
We listen, we care, God cures.
Contact: Gretchen Lofgren
Meals for Primavera Homeless Shelter
Over 100 meals cooked and served each month for homeless men.
1st and 5th Thursday of the month, 5:30-7:30 pm
Contact: Don Waugaman
Exercise Class
A fun-filled low-impact class designed to gently stretch andild
strengthen the body as participants age.
Mondays and Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Social Hall
Contact: Karen Messmore
Outdoor Ministries
Hiking, family camping and other outdoor activities for church members.
See our Upcoming Events page for scheduled activities throughout the year.
Contact: Karen Messmore
For more information on any of these programs
please call the church office at (520) 327-1116.
Childcare available upon request.