Christ Church invites everyone to participate on Christmas Eve. 

We are partnering with Desert Skies and St. Paul’s to share service times and information, and Christ Church will be working with St. Paul’s to preset the 5 pm worship service at St. Paul’s.  Christmas Eve is a great time to invite co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors –

we hope you find a service time that works for you and yours.


                            Traditional Christmas Eve 11:00 am

                            St. Paul’s UMC at 8051 E. Broadway

                     Christmas Eve 2:00 pm

                            Desert Skies UMC – at the Az Senior Academy in Vail

                                   Family/Contemporary Christmas Eve 5:00 pm

                                 St. Paul’s UMC at 8051 E. Broadway

                                    Traditional Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols 7:00 pm

                                 Christ Church United Methodist 655 N. Craycroft Rd

                                  Not so Traditional Lessons and Carols 9:00 pm

                                     St. Paul’s UMC at 8051 E. Broadway

Upcoming Events

Wednesday Night Study for Advent: Begins Wed, November 20th

The waiting is over, announcing our next Wednesday Night Study for Advent.  Pastor Beth will be leading a study on Bishop Will Willimon’s book Heaven and Earth by Zoom from 6:30-7:45 pm starting Wednesday, November 20th, and going through December 4th, 11th, and 18th
Gravity Party! Saturday. January 11th at 9:00 a.m.
Join us to as we celebrate gravity – what goes up must come down – at our annual undecorating of the church.  On Saturday Jan 11th at 9:00 am starting in the Fellowship Hall.  Looking forward to seeing you then!
New Year Walk: Saturday, January 18th, 9-11 a.m.
On January 18, 2025 we will be doing a walk at the River Walk Park (Glenn/Sahuaro) from 9-11 am. Dining after.
Weekly & Monthly Events
Morning Cup Fellowship
Mondays at 9:00 am on Zoom
Men’s Breakfast:
Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 am on Zoom
Exercise Class
Every Monday and Thursday
in Social Hall from 10:30 to 11:30 AM
held by Karen Messmore
Women at the Well
Every second Tuesday of the month
in Social Hall at 11:15 AM
Compassionate Friends
Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 6:00 PM

 Helping Hands
Every third Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 9:30 AM
United Women in Faith
Every second Wednesday of the Month
in Social Hall at 10:30 AM

Sunday School
First Sunday of every Month during the Service
All kids are invited to start in the service with us, then after the scripture, they will go with our Sunday School teachers to rooms 14 and 15. Pick up will be in rooms 14 and 15 after the service.
Belong, Believe, Serve: Youth Ministry
Every Sunday
at St. Paul’s UMC from 4-5:30 pm
6th-12th Grade Welcome