Upcoming Events
Lenten Study: Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:45 p.m.
Pastor Beth will be leading a Wednesday night book study on A Clearing Season: Reflections for Lent by Sarah Parsons starting Wednesday March 12th and ending Wednesday April 16th on zoom from 6:30-7:45 pm. Please let us know if you plan to be there by sending an email to pastor@ccumtucson.org. We will do the Introduction and First Chapter on the 12th.
Walk to Emmaus 2025: April 3rd-6th

There is a Women’s Walk to Emmaus occurring April 3-6, 2025. For more information on this God-centered retreat, explore the website azemmaus.org. You may also contact Gretchen Lofgren for more information or if you have any questions.
Easter Egg Hunt: Easter Sunday, April 20th

All kids are invited to our Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday, April 20. We will start in the service, then after the children’s moment, the children and Sunday School teachers will go to the courtyard to hunt for Easter eggs. Pick-up will be in the courtyard after the service.
We need pre-stuffed eggs! Any candy must be pre-packaged. Eggs may be donated until April 16. Please drop off the eggs in the church office or in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.
We also need volunteers to help us hide the eggs starting at 9:00am Easter morning in the courtyard. Thank you for supporting the children of Christ Church!
Good Friday Service: Friday, April 18th at 6:30 p.m.
Please join us for our Good Friday Service, A Journey to the Cross, on April 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the Christ Church Sanctuary and on Zoom.
All the Bells & Whistles Concert: Sunday, May 18th at 3:00 p.m.
Save the date to attend our annual celebration of music.
Weekly & Monthly Events
Morning Cup Fellowship
Mondays at 9:00 am on Zoom
Men’s Breakfast:
Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 am on Zoom
Exercise Class
Every Monday and Thursday
in Social Hall from 10:30 to 11:30 AM
held by Karen Messmore
Women at the Well
Every second Tuesday of the month
in Social Hall at 11:15 AM
Compassionate Friends
Compassionate Friends
Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 6:00 PM
Helping Hands
Helping Hands
Every third Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 9:30 AM
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith
Every second Wednesday of the Month
in Social Hall at 10:30 AM
Sunday School
First Sunday of every Month during the Service
All kids are invited to start in the service with us, then after the scripture, they will go with our Sunday School teachers to rooms 14 and 15. Pick up will be in rooms 14 and 15 after the service.
Belong, Believe, Serve: Youth Ministry
Every Sunday
at St. Paul’s UMC from 4-5:30 pm
6th-12th Grade Welcome